Washington Post Names Novak Biddle Venture Partners a Top Company in D.C. Region
June 3, 2008, Bethesda, MD - Novak Biddle Venture Partners (NBVP) has been named in the 2008 Washington Post "Post 200," a compilation of the most successful private and public companies, nonprofits, banks, lobbying and law firms headquartered in Washington, D.C. and its suburbs. As the premier early stage venture capital firm in the Greater Washington, D.C. region, NBVP finances and supports young companies and innovative technologies across the IT spectrum including those in the security, education, and media sectors.
"Our passion for finding and nurturing start-ups both within the Mid-Atlantic region and outside of it is as robust today as it was when we opened our doors a decade ago. We are squarely focused on building productive companies that employ local people and generate revenues. This recognition by the Washington Post is a direct result of that commitment, one which will continue to serve our investors (including state pension funds and university endowments) and the local economy," said Roger Novak, co-founder and general partner, Novak Biddle Venture Partners.
Novak Biddle employs a dedicated strategy of disciplined early stage investing including financing people and innovations spun out of government labs and universities.
As reported by the Post editorial staff, nearly 300 companies, law and lobby firms and nonprofit organizations located in the District, Virginia and Maryland were surveyed by the Washington Post. Information from private companies that do not provide audited financial statements was taken at the companies' word, but figures provided were compared when possible with those of companies of similar size in the same industry.